Power Equipment Company has supplied
clean, natural gas burners and controls to Virginia’s industry
for over 40 years.
Our burners and burner components like gas pressure
regulators help to produce everything from aluminum foil to gas
heaters to keep you warm while shopping at local retailers. Our
tubing products are used for tobacco processing, and man made
fiber manufacturers benefit from our steam heating coils.
Some of the products we provide but are not limited to are as follows:
Natural Gas Burners
Oil Burners
Combustion Blowers
Combustion safeguards
Gas Safety Shutoff Valve
Gas Pressure Regulators
Flame Monitors
Temperature Controllers
Solenoid Safety Shut-Off Valves

Butterfly Valves
Pressure Switches
Rotary Gas Meters
Heat Exchangers
Cooling Coils
Propane Vaporizers
Ammonia Vaporizers
High Temperature Fans
Simplex / Duplex Strainers
Compression Couplings
And Much Much More!
We keep our warehouse stocked full of inventory,
and are ready to ship to you.
Please check out our
Products page
for a list of our products, grouped by manufacturer.