Aquavaire Horizontal Gas Fired Waterbath LPG Vaporizer
AQUAVAIRE Horizontal vaporizers are workhorses designed for large industrial
applications and for utility peak shaving. While we offer a standard configuration,
these units are frequently tailored to specific needs. All pressure vessels are
designed and manufactured to ASME section VIII Div 1 and are ''U'' code stamped.
Heat exchanger design pressures up to 750 PSIG are available.
Angled propane heat exchanger to ensure all liquid is boiled and superheated.
Parallel path propane heat exchanger designed for low pressure drop.
Multiple fire tube heat exchanger to minimize stack temperatures, maximize efficiency.
Full modulating Eclipse Combustion burner fires into a combustion chamber, not a tube.
Galvanized water bath expansion tank reduces glycol boil off and reduces oxygen entrainment, which is the primary cause of corrosion.
Dual water circulation pumps ensure even heating and maximum heat transfer.
Most propane heat exchange surface area per gallon vaporized.
Lowest emissions and exhaust stack temperatures in industry for vaporizer capacity.
Built in heavy ends separation chamber prevents clogging of downstream devices.
Complete skid mounted package with all necessary controls, safeties, and annunciator display panel.
Heat exchanger fabricated according to ASME Section VIII, Div. 1, and ASME 'U' stamped.
ASME CSD1 burner gas train.
Available with walk-in maintenance house
150 - 1360 MMbtu
1650 - 15,000 GPH (nominal)
3170 - 28,800 Kg/hr
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and we will try to locate it in our archives.
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