Consta-Mix Valves
Eclipse Consta-Mix Valves are precision gas/air mixers and
controllers, designed for use in either: Premix Systems, to supply
a combustible gas/air mixture to gas-burning equipment; or
in Standby Systems, to replace, or supplement, the existing gas
supply in the event of interruption.
The Consta-Mix Valve offers extreme flexibility. Any type
of commercial fuel gas can be used. Once the gas/air ratio is
set, no further adjustments are required. Regardless of demand
requirements, exact gas/air ratio is maintained with smooth,
pulse-free operation.
Eclipse Consta-Mix Valves are approved by Factory Mutual
and listed by Underwriters Laboratories. Consta-Mix Valves
are available with maximum capacities ranging from 3,000 to
140,000 cfh. Delivery pressure is dependent on booster or compressor
used. Turndown ratios from maximum to minimum
capacity are at least 100 to 1.
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