Series B High Pressure Meters
 The Series B3 ROOTS® High Pressure meter is a positive displacement
rotary type gas meter designed for continuously measuring and indicating the accurate
measurement of gas in a pipeline. ROOTS® High Pressure meters are suitable for handling
most types of clean, dry, common gases at either constant or varying flow rates. Volumetric
accuracy of the ROOTS® meter is permanent, non-adjustable, and is not affected by low or
varying line pressure. Series B3 meters may be used satisfactorily for pressure ranging from
a few ounces to full MAOP. Displaced volume measurement is completely independent of the gas
specific gravity, temperature and pressure. ROOTS® meters are manufactured in accordance
with the ANSI/ASC-BlO9.3 for Rotary Type Gas Displacement Meters. Series B3 ROOTS meter
sizes 1M and 3M have flanged inlet and outlet connections conforming dimensionally with ANSI/ASME
standards. The meter operating temperature range is from -40°F to +140°F (–40°C to +60°C).
The 1M/3M300 ROOTS® meters have a Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) of 300 psig
(2068kPa). Every Series B meter body is static pressure tested at the factory at twice its MAOP
and leak tested at 125 percent of MAOP in accordance with ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Codes.
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