Series B High Pressure Cartridge Meters
 Series B3-HPC High Pressure Cartridge
Meters employ the same positive displacement operating principle as other ROOTS® rotary meters.
Gas volumes are measured by two figure-8 impellers rotating in a chamber of known volume.
Precision machining to exact tolerances ensures measurement accuracy, while materials of construction
ensure high quality measurement performance in the most severe conditions. 1M and 3M measurement
cartridges are interchangeable between their common body casting, as are the 5M and 7M sizes. This
allows the operator to “right-size” the meter for a particular application. Also, accuracy certified
cartridges are field replaceable for ease of maintenance. The new 11M1480 has a 4” ANSI 600# flanged
connection. The 11M cartridge is not interchangeable with other HPC meter sizes. An optional full
capacity internal bypass is available for the 1M, 3M, 5M, 7M and Series B3-HPC cartridges.
Other features include:
The High Pressure Cartridge design meters are ideal for gas measurement of low volume applications
at high pressures. Recommended applications include:
Custody Transfer (Gas Distribution, Gathering, and Transmission Systems)
Town Border Stations and City Gate Stations
Direct Wellhead Production Measurement
Gas Leg of Production Separators and Test Separators
Compressor Fuel Gas Measurement
High Pressure Industrial Gas Measurement
As with all ROOTS®Meters, the High Pressure Cartridge meters are designed to ANSIB109.3 specifications
for Rotary Type Gas Displacement Meters. Additionally, the High Pressure Cartridge meters meet NACE Standard MR
111075 for corrosion resistant applications.
Meter Advantages
Operating Differentials can be Monitored while in Service.
Positive Displacement Measurement is not Sensitive to Changes in Density of the Gas Being Measured.
Positive Displacement Meters (side or top inlet) do not Require a Complicated Installation since they are not
Sensitive to Velocity Profiles.
Meter Body and Fanges are Rated at 1480 psig (740 psig optional for 1M and 3M).
Meters are Designed to NACE Corrosion Resistance Standards.
Meters are Compatible with a Wide Assortment of Pulsing Devices and Auxiliary Instrumentation for ROOTS®
Products - see Brochures TS:SSP, TS:RA100, TS:ICEX and TS:IMC/W2.
Cartridge Advantages
Cartridge Design Simplifies Repair and Maintenance.
Calibrated Cartridges can be Installed in the Field – Reducing Downtime.
Cartridges can be Replaced in the Field without Removing the Meter Housing
Cartridges are Interchangeable as Measurement Needs Change.
Optional Bypass Valve Features
Full Capacity and Internal
Simple Design
Optional Indicator with Switched Output
Spring-loaded Valve
Fits onto any Standard Housing – Interchangeable
Passes Full Flow at any Pressure
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